Prophecy Links
-There’s something about three boiling pots, explosive events of tribulations on the map 06/04/2011
-Seen to seeing the sun, seen to be seeing a yellow midst spreading out and away from the sun, a spreading on yellow on the map 06/04/2011
-A Voice Declaring: “A prayer for teens,” serious events concerning, or designing children on the map 06/04/2011
From A Writing In The Dark
"Only The Redeem 06/07/2011
“The question then Spirit River isn’t whether a person is a believer, whether they’re saved or even filled with Holy Spirit, the gift of tongues and all but whether they’ve surrendered themselves, this very will over to the will of Holy Spirits.” “I mean I had all of the above and all it’d done was bring me to a breaking point whereas I was barking at this Supreme Father rather concededly His unreasonable will for my life.” “ I mean I was saved, my soul that is, but my will was still my own, here was the piping dilemma, and therein I was deteriorating fast, God’s will verses my own.” “Then Spirit you hear the Christ’s Lord at his greatest testament and trial of all, crying aloud, even sweating blood, not my will, but your will be done and he went on you two, to die, he gave up his will trusting the father to be able to die.” “It was the parable of the seed he was pronouncing to his disciples at describing his need to die, even ours, how unless the seed go into the earth and die it cannot then produce great fruit.” “It’s true his was a physical death but from it was the possibility all mankind could rise from it into a newness of life, spirit and truth.” “My Jesus Maaseiah, how beautiful and with such insight, such divine precision, you just described the ultimate purpose of laying ourselves down, the omnipotent power thereof, except we’re dead to trespasses and sins we can’t live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved us, and gave Himself for us.” “I even imagined there’s like this alter and those offering themselves it’s like they’re laying themselves on this sacrificial reworking, giving themselves up completely that the Supreme Heavenly Host is to do with them as He will.” “Even Spirit that God is the potter and here they are submitting themselves as the clay, that the Supreme One is to shape them and mold them into this manner of outreach he desire them to be.” “Yeah he alone you guys by Christ’s cross having the power to set up the member’s of church (Christ’s body) as it hath pleased HIM, He alone.” “It’s this inconceivable admitting of defeat and handing yourself over to the Holy Lord that he’s to take something condemned from the womb, a just as condemned earth, mankind and by a sacrifice of his bloody self redeemed the repentant, it is that described by Paul as being our reasonable service.” “So Maaseiah, I mean it’s ok that I call you that?” “Please Spirit, yes, so will the blessed Christ be taking us out of cataclysmic events, or will he take us just prior to them, or both?” Well either, or, Spirit and biblical scripture will be fulfilled, if we consider the blessed timeout just after the sixth seal is realized then we’re to think cataclysmic events are performing themselves all around us, then there’s the cry in Revelation “see thou hurt not the oil and wine,” again it’s as though catastrophes are already performing themselves, but Spirit they’re not to come nigh us.” “Though in order that the Supreme is to have his perfect work, he must move the redeem out of the way, and since they haven’t been appointed to His wrath, we can’t be here long after the beginning stages of end time events, He just wouldn’t be a God of his word, of His Christ and we know He is.” “Only he who now let, will let until he be taken out of the way, we are a great hindrance to Satanic, Demonic and Religious/Political powers having their perfect work on this planet.” “Though once we’re taken out, what we prevented, these demonized, dark and barbaric orders getting and having their way would in only days more than blanket this earth.” “That’s with manslaughter incalculable but by God’s abounding grace still, some flesh, souls, will be redeemed.” “I looked into this dream Maasieah the other night were I witness three large crowns, and a smaller crown, one that was, or wasn’t suppose to be there.” “This is where I saw a person in order to beg his majesty’s pardon ready to move in and remove this fourth crown, I even heard him say, let me just move that for you.” “It was like the smaller crown represented the now resurrected Church bride, like a fourth person of the Godhead, but there was confusion whether or not it was suppose to be there.” “Good evening, I guess I should say, ---Desrek!” my lord you made it,” as one leaping up into greeting him, a hug to a feel good, smell good neck, did Tiffany Ann, Maasieah smell and feel just as divine.” “Come, sit, I thought Kiefer would be with you, ah she is, she had to make a stop, I hadn’t told you May but we’re with child, ah my, my, ah that is so wonderful, yeah, yeah we more than think so, didn’t think it was going to happen at first and bam, there it was.” “Well Desrek Allum, this is my loved to be talk about friend, Christian, and just as friendly, his brother Spirit River, I can’t believe you two are finally meeting.” “It is really a delight meeting you two, whenever she’s to speak of you two she just can’t stop herself, and it all good right?” Yes, of course, the same here Mr. Artelon, such good reports Spirit and I were beginning to wonder whether or not you was real.” “Ah you two, it’s just that you all are really special guys, with the same vigor for faith and righteousness, it’s time you meet that’s all, now Christian as you was saying, you guys have eaten or what?” “Actually yes, I ordered drinks as we entered so that will more than suffice, Christian here was talking about a dream where he saw four crowns, three great and one small, with the small thought to be out of order.” “Will the church-bride upon the marriage supper of the Lamb be ushered in as the fourth person of the Godhead?” “You, you’re asking me this?” “Here, as one making the wife comfortable, was it so remarkable to Tiffany that Desrek Allum was married, and now about to be with child, “here honey, it’s already willing and waiting.” “This is Christian Artelon and his brother Spirit River, they’re long standing friends of May’s, ah Tiffany, no, no May is fine, it’s nice to meet everyone, please just continue, don’t mine me at all.” “Well May to answer you, first I’m glad we’re talking, ah, you know about someone other than, we’re discussing our reign in heaven and I like it, we have considered the church bride, the redeemed will be given equal, they will be made heir with the Christ Lord so it’s not sacrilegious or anything like that, that she is referred to as the fourth person of the Godhead, the Christ even reminded them how one day they would judge angels, and he often put the redeemed on a similar plain as himself, I think they’re tickled with this reality, tickled, yeah the Heavenly Host.” Look, the other, it’s just that I had this really, well I least of all can say I had a weird dream, but even for me, it was really curious, it was about horses, and all through the dream I had to avoid, even evade.” “Every time a horse saw me, it recognized me as a form of proof positive their time, the horseman time of fulfillment hath come.” “Are you serious?” “I mean some of the greatest Judgments are portrayed by the rise, or intervention of a horseman, well all through this dream that’s how it was, whether they were pulling wagons, or locked away in stalls, or race horses.” Strangely there was even one I passed on the highway and once it recognized me it broke out and came after, yeah may for its time of fulfillment was at hand, and this is the spirit they not doubt saw in you.” “Your appearing, your ministry, even your outreach the last of its kind represent this new era encouraging them to ready themselves on to biblical fulfillment.” “They knew you May, you couldn’t hide what you are, or what Holy Spirits had predestined you to do all activated so to speak the moment though of your arrival.” “It’s all May a blessed assurance this is fulfillment, like you said days ago, Daniel’s prophecies having many days yet was to seal, John the beloved, the age upon him, was a time for that sealed to be revealed, the time of reveal was at hand, but now May, upon, you this age of mankind is the fulfill.” “Desrek told us the happy news, excuse, -the baby, ah, yeah, I’m only a few weeks but already it feel like an eternity, so what are guys hoping for, boy, girl, or both?” “Please Maaseiah, I’m sorry,” clasping her mouth into a look of awe, was it as though she’d spoken greatly out of line, though it was simply unexpected.” “Did I say something wrong?” “Ah my, I called you Maasieah, I’m so sorry, It’s his fault, no, no, it’s just that I’m not, used, I guess I better get used to it huh?” “It is my birth name, I’ve been having dreams still May of us being under attack, of our doors being kicked in and coming under attack mightily.” “It’s like the more the Supreme prove Himself, the greater will be the persecution against, the last time we had to run my only regret is that I didn’t have on my favorite running shoes.” “A thousand Desrek shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee, thanks, Christian man, psalm 91 right?” “The security of the godly, well I think it’s more about the tribulation saints, and we know this man of sin will for a time overcome them, either way it’s about standing knowing your redeemer cometh, right?”” “Anyway the discussion earlier. I believe the small crown you saw did represent the redeemed, and the person reaching to remove it. That Christian was possibly your subconscious spirit as we’ve never considered the church-bride in this manner, though that is her by Christ’s blood redemption, equitable order, even her place in heaven’s throne.”
That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Apb, The RAM
See Also, What If?
Prophecy Links
There's something about New York, about New York and a head wound, a violent blow to the head on the map 03/12/2011
There's something about H1N1, bird flu or outbreaks again on the map 03/12/2011
Dreams, Earthquakes and Storms In The Links Prophecy
Seen to be seeing us in an earthquake, surrounded by earthquake damage, seen to be panic all around...03/04/2011
Seen To Be Seeing an explosive light, A Voice Declaring Japan, Japan under an explosive light on the map 12/26/2010
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Janet Paschal: Only The Redeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
Monday, June 13, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The First Resurrection
From A Painting In The Dark, The RAM…
The First Resurrection Saints
200,271. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church 01/08/2004, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link 200,427. Seen to be seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints rising from the earth at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004, (see Mat.24:29-31). My 200,427 prophecy link… 200,275. Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004 (Zech. 14: 1-8, Rev. 16;12-15, 19:11-21, my 200,275 prophecy link). 200,660. Seen to be seeing the Seventh angel, the Archangel Gabriel, they both seen to be declaring: “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so she coming or going with the seventh angel” 05/15/2004see Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
200,749. There’s something about the rapture of the church, some by grace, others by the winepress (wrath) of God 06/12/2004, (see Rev. 14:13- 20) my 200,749 prophecy link
200,271. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the rapture of the church 01/06/2004, my 200,259, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
The Story Of The Rapture, The Great Gathering Of Saints 04/02/2011
-Tell me about the great gathering of saints, excuse, ---about this rapture, well scripture says the Lord, him, ---self, ---as to doze off, to pear off strangely into a silent pause, did Desrek Allum remember things, phenomenal things Maaseiah Adonai (Tiffany Ann), witnessed to him. “Hel--lo, ---earth to, ---ah, ah I’m sorry I was thinking about something May said, welI Desrek man I looked into this dream last night, in the dream the Christ Lord was being made ready, he was being prepared to come into the battle of Armageddon.” Are you serious, you saw this?” “Yes, but I as well know or understand when he come like so, isn’t the church bride prophesied at being with him?” “So tell me about, how close it is, do we even know?” “There are some Hain, yes given to know, Desrek, well I Hain think it’s really close, yeah how close?” “Well so close I feel as though I have one foot on the earth and one in God’s throne, huh?” “Months, I believe we’re only months off, months, are you serious?” “You have to Hain consider the fullness of time and the passage of time concerning the great gathering of saints, I have reason to believe is it upon us.” “What Desrek isn’t telling you Hain is that the other day while cooking over his stove he heard a voice speak to him and declare, how very soon the church bride could be in heaven.” “ That’s looking down upon the earth, upon the tribulation saints, praying for them, as the antiChrist has power to overcome them, wow, my Christ wow.” “The scripture says the Lord Himself, I believe this distinction is made because up to this point it’s been certain appointed to the earth angels, apostles and prophets.” “I mean there are instants in the old testament where a divine entity appeared to a prophet or another and this spiritual head is defined as Jesus, but the majority of Jesus appearances was after his death and resurrection.” “Anyway, the word of God laments, the Lord himself shall ascend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel and the trump, meaning trumpet, ----of, of, ---god, ----what man ---what?” A witness how Desrek Allum is to again pause in his thinking, in these testimonial scripture, ---and the trumpet shall sound, the seventh angel is the sounding of the trumpet, yeah, and?” “Remember the archangel Gabriel, something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel.” “ The seventh angel Sole is a trumpet sounding, yeah, but it’s more like a trumpet judgment, and you’re talking deep into the tribulation period, surely the church bride won’t be here.” “Well maybe it’s talking about the tribulation saints, no, I don’t think the tribulation saints is referred to as she, I mean that’s right, right?”’ “What exactly did this Gabriel say?” I mean who is Gabriel? “We’re Hain talking about the archangel Gabriel, the one who appeared to the prophet Daniel, as so Zechariah, John the Baptist father, and then mother Mary to proclaim the Christ conception and birth, even his overall mission to die for the sins of men.” “And what are you saying, he appeared to you?” No. not me, May, Maaseiah, she said he forewarn her how the fulfillment of all biblical, that’s end time prophecy was upon mankind.” “This mankind Hain at present, and there was something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel.” “Regardless, the scripture says the Lord himself, which I feel will be the heavenly host way of again portraying this once crucified Holy Lord as the risen, reigning Lord, but She is His now, and He Hers, yeah Desrek calls her the fourth person of the God head.” “No doubt he’s to have angels with him, anyway a shout, a trumpet will sound bringing this extraordinary event into wide world focus.” “For all the dead that has ever died in Jesus Christ, they will rise from the grave into glorified bodies, then scripture says those who are alive and remain.” “Meaning us Hain, the born-again saint, those no longer of the first Adam, but reborn to the second Adam, Jesus, how we all shall be caught up to meet the lord Jesus in the air and there Hain shall we, they forever be with this Christ Lord.” “May think when this happens a cold, monstrous darkness will sweep across lands, nations and territories, and the most underestimated presence of God’s Kingdom on this planet, the church bride will be abruptly grieve for and panted after with only the anti-Christ reign to calm these fears.” “Not that the world by God persistent, unyielding grace won’t have the gospel, or the Holy Spirit, or the preaching of the gospel, but the price its followers will have to pay, many will die, some horribly so.” “You’re talking about the Tribulation saints, right?” “Because it’s been appointed unto the church bride to escape these things, this promise date back to especially the prophet Isaiah citing how the righteous are taken out of the evil to come, at Jesus himself commissioning us that we pray, pray that we’re found worthy to escape.” “There Sole is also a promise made to the church of Philadelphia, how since they’ve kept this Christ word and righteousness, he’s to the keep them from the end time temptation, anti-Christ trial that’s to come upon the whole world.” “This seventh angel of May’s visitation of the archangel Gabriel, the same one of the bible, no one know who this is, there are some Hain who think it is Gabriel.” “Though what’s more alarming is, who is this she that’s being referred too. She to us Hain is representative of the church bride, the seventh angel is a trumpet sounding, and a trumpet is suppose to sound just as Jesus is receiving her unto himself, bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” “I take it this trumpet sounding is deep into the tribulation, and what is behind it, what’s behind it is exactly what the archangel Gabriel is describing to May, that the fulfillment of all prophecy is realized, that the Kingdom of men have fallen, and now it shall all become the Kingdom of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever, so it totally verify what May was told.” “That is so phenomenal, yeah, well May has a phenomenal ministry, everything she see, hear and testify of so coincide with biblical scripture but Hain just as phenomenal is the Heavenly Host entrusting her, us like so.” “I didn’t tell you Sole but May and I went back to the area where she was standing twenty-five years ago when she saw a type of the Christ of resurrection of saints in the heavens, huge wings, stretched out arms, telling her three times to come.” “You said twenty five years?” “Yeah, this spring, she said that’s about how long Ezekiel, the one not only she, but Holy Spirits acquaint her ministry with, that’s about how long his ministry lasted.” “I tell you Hain, never before has this earth and this heaven been so pregnant unto delivery of the proposed for the ancient great gathering of saints.” “Just as pregnant Desrek as that cloud May said she saw, cloud?” “Yeah Hain man, May said she looked into a dream a few years ago, how there were loud trumpets and sirens and just this amazing to describe circumstance, that in the dream she saw the saints.” “That they were shooting from the earth, one by one all over the planet like fire rockets into the heavens, but not only so, she said in the heavens was this cloud, that this cloud was made greater and greater, fatter and fatter every time a blood washed bought saint was captured into it.” “What’s so significant Hain is that Jesus himself describes angels and clouds, and even fire performing themselves at this inconceivable for word, for proper narrative, this divine escape to be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever.”
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
My people perish and no man lay it heart, merciful men are lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come Isa.57:1
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Link
300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004
-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
Behold The Day Of The Lord Cometh
Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. And his feet shall stand that day upon the mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Zech. 14:1-4
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: You Deliver Me
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
And This Shall Be The End
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
The First Resurrection Saints
200,271. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church 01/08/2004, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link 200,427. Seen to be seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints rising from the earth at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004, (see Mat.24:29-31). My 200,427 prophecy link… 200,275. Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004 (Zech. 14: 1-8, Rev. 16;12-15, 19:11-21, my 200,275 prophecy link). 200,660. Seen to be seeing the Seventh angel, the Archangel Gabriel, they both seen to be declaring: “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so she coming or going with the seventh angel” 05/15/2004see Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
200,749. There’s something about the rapture of the church, some by grace, others by the winepress (wrath) of God 06/12/2004, (see Rev. 14:13- 20) my 200,749 prophecy link
200,271. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the rapture of the church 01/06/2004, my 200,259, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
The Story Of The Rapture, The Great Gathering Of Saints 04/02/2011
-Tell me about the great gathering of saints, excuse, ---about this rapture, well scripture says the Lord, him, ---self, ---as to doze off, to pear off strangely into a silent pause, did Desrek Allum remember things, phenomenal things Maaseiah Adonai (Tiffany Ann), witnessed to him. “Hel--lo, ---earth to, ---ah, ah I’m sorry I was thinking about something May said, welI Desrek man I looked into this dream last night, in the dream the Christ Lord was being made ready, he was being prepared to come into the battle of Armageddon.” Are you serious, you saw this?” “Yes, but I as well know or understand when he come like so, isn’t the church bride prophesied at being with him?” “So tell me about, how close it is, do we even know?” “There are some Hain, yes given to know, Desrek, well I Hain think it’s really close, yeah how close?” “Well so close I feel as though I have one foot on the earth and one in God’s throne, huh?” “Months, I believe we’re only months off, months, are you serious?” “You have to Hain consider the fullness of time and the passage of time concerning the great gathering of saints, I have reason to believe is it upon us.” “What Desrek isn’t telling you Hain is that the other day while cooking over his stove he heard a voice speak to him and declare, how very soon the church bride could be in heaven.” “ That’s looking down upon the earth, upon the tribulation saints, praying for them, as the antiChrist has power to overcome them, wow, my Christ wow.” “The scripture says the Lord Himself, I believe this distinction is made because up to this point it’s been certain appointed to the earth angels, apostles and prophets.” “I mean there are instants in the old testament where a divine entity appeared to a prophet or another and this spiritual head is defined as Jesus, but the majority of Jesus appearances was after his death and resurrection.” “Anyway, the word of God laments, the Lord himself shall ascend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel and the trump, meaning trumpet, ----of, of, ---god, ----what man ---what?” A witness how Desrek Allum is to again pause in his thinking, in these testimonial scripture, ---and the trumpet shall sound, the seventh angel is the sounding of the trumpet, yeah, and?” “Remember the archangel Gabriel, something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel.” “ The seventh angel Sole is a trumpet sounding, yeah, but it’s more like a trumpet judgment, and you’re talking deep into the tribulation period, surely the church bride won’t be here.” “Well maybe it’s talking about the tribulation saints, no, I don’t think the tribulation saints is referred to as she, I mean that’s right, right?”’ “What exactly did this Gabriel say?” I mean who is Gabriel? “We’re Hain talking about the archangel Gabriel, the one who appeared to the prophet Daniel, as so Zechariah, John the Baptist father, and then mother Mary to proclaim the Christ conception and birth, even his overall mission to die for the sins of men.” “And what are you saying, he appeared to you?” No. not me, May, Maaseiah, she said he forewarn her how the fulfillment of all biblical, that’s end time prophecy was upon mankind.” “This mankind Hain at present, and there was something about she’s coming or going with the seventh angel.” “Regardless, the scripture says the Lord himself, which I feel will be the heavenly host way of again portraying this once crucified Holy Lord as the risen, reigning Lord, but She is His now, and He Hers, yeah Desrek calls her the fourth person of the God head.” “No doubt he’s to have angels with him, anyway a shout, a trumpet will sound bringing this extraordinary event into wide world focus.” “For all the dead that has ever died in Jesus Christ, they will rise from the grave into glorified bodies, then scripture says those who are alive and remain.” “Meaning us Hain, the born-again saint, those no longer of the first Adam, but reborn to the second Adam, Jesus, how we all shall be caught up to meet the lord Jesus in the air and there Hain shall we, they forever be with this Christ Lord.” “May think when this happens a cold, monstrous darkness will sweep across lands, nations and territories, and the most underestimated presence of God’s Kingdom on this planet, the church bride will be abruptly grieve for and panted after with only the anti-Christ reign to calm these fears.” “Not that the world by God persistent, unyielding grace won’t have the gospel, or the Holy Spirit, or the preaching of the gospel, but the price its followers will have to pay, many will die, some horribly so.” “You’re talking about the Tribulation saints, right?” “Because it’s been appointed unto the church bride to escape these things, this promise date back to especially the prophet Isaiah citing how the righteous are taken out of the evil to come, at Jesus himself commissioning us that we pray, pray that we’re found worthy to escape.” “There Sole is also a promise made to the church of Philadelphia, how since they’ve kept this Christ word and righteousness, he’s to the keep them from the end time temptation, anti-Christ trial that’s to come upon the whole world.” “This seventh angel of May’s visitation of the archangel Gabriel, the same one of the bible, no one know who this is, there are some Hain who think it is Gabriel.” “Though what’s more alarming is, who is this she that’s being referred too. She to us Hain is representative of the church bride, the seventh angel is a trumpet sounding, and a trumpet is suppose to sound just as Jesus is receiving her unto himself, bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” “I take it this trumpet sounding is deep into the tribulation, and what is behind it, what’s behind it is exactly what the archangel Gabriel is describing to May, that the fulfillment of all prophecy is realized, that the Kingdom of men have fallen, and now it shall all become the Kingdom of God and his Christ and they shall reign forever, so it totally verify what May was told.” “That is so phenomenal, yeah, well May has a phenomenal ministry, everything she see, hear and testify of so coincide with biblical scripture but Hain just as phenomenal is the Heavenly Host entrusting her, us like so.” “I didn’t tell you Sole but May and I went back to the area where she was standing twenty-five years ago when she saw a type of the Christ of resurrection of saints in the heavens, huge wings, stretched out arms, telling her three times to come.” “You said twenty five years?” “Yeah, this spring, she said that’s about how long Ezekiel, the one not only she, but Holy Spirits acquaint her ministry with, that’s about how long his ministry lasted.” “I tell you Hain, never before has this earth and this heaven been so pregnant unto delivery of the proposed for the ancient great gathering of saints.” “Just as pregnant Desrek as that cloud May said she saw, cloud?” “Yeah Hain man, May said she looked into a dream a few years ago, how there were loud trumpets and sirens and just this amazing to describe circumstance, that in the dream she saw the saints.” “That they were shooting from the earth, one by one all over the planet like fire rockets into the heavens, but not only so, she said in the heavens was this cloud, that this cloud was made greater and greater, fatter and fatter every time a blood washed bought saint was captured into it.” “What’s so significant Hain is that Jesus himself describes angels and clouds, and even fire performing themselves at this inconceivable for word, for proper narrative, this divine escape to be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever.”
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Luke 21:36
My people perish and no man lay it heart, merciful men are lost as though none consider the righteous are taken out of the evil to come Isa.57:1
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Prophecy Link
300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004
-Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
Behold The Day Of The Lord Cometh
Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. And his feet shall stand that day upon the mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. Zech. 14:1-4
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: You Deliver Me
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
And This Shall Be The End
A Voice Declaring: “In thirty nine and a half weeks, you’ll be dead, a strange form, even a deadly time table again on the map 03/07/2010
A Voice Declaring: December 18th, there’s something about the date, December 18th miraculously on the calendar, the map 03/07/2010 (see the space between March 7th and December 18th
A Voice Declaring: “Tell us, when shall these things be?” Another form of inquiring of specific time, even biblical time tables on the map 03/08/2010
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM).
Light (righteousness) hath come, but men loved darkness (unrighteousness more than light for their deeds (lifestyles) are evil...JCON See Jn. 3:19
I Beheld the transgressor and was grieved because he kept not thy word Ps. 119:158
For Salvation Pray: I’m sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me and cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again.
Listening To: Selah: Unredeemed
Hurry Lord Christ, Prince Of Peace, and get us the Victory
A Ministry Above
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