Hear Thee A Mystery
Here Thee A Shepherd Song
200,271. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the church 01/08/2004, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
The Shepherd Song
The Communicator
The Parable Of The Inquest “What If? 10/10/2005
Dear Children Of Mine
-What if you’re to come knocking on my door one morning realizing, that for the strangest point of all there’s no answer. That clearly when you’re to investigate said non-response you’re to then realize that neither I nor your father are present. Although there’s no reason to be alarmed, right? Momma is possibly out back walking that path she made behind the house and daddy, while he could be in the bathroom or outside with her so again thinking there’s no reason to be alarmed, you return to bed.
-Although when you’re to be disturbed awake unknowingly moments later is the house yet too quiet especially for your mother who most of the time get up just before the chickens. It’s here upon yet another visit to their room are they yet not there, a reality causing you to investigate all the better this time around. You’re to see are they really outside in the back, when not only are they not in the back. Faithfully does the front reveal the fact all automobiles concerning them are sitting right there in the yard. It’s here you’re to sense some reason to be concern, although there’s a near-by park they could’ve walked to, even the corner store.
-Soon you come back into the house; naturally you sit and push the power button on the remote control just as soon. No doubt it’s here in a rather abrupt manner you’re to realize there’s breaking news, said news is on all stations. Seemingly not only so, spreading continually along the news ticker is the most startling news break of all, that hundreds of thousands, perhaps a million people are gone missing. Soon a fear, a trepidation creep all over and through you, soon a panic begin to tighten mightily in your chest, as so do your thoughts begin to trigger back, back to last night, back to the weirdest dream you’re to have in your life.
-Non sensibly it was a dream about people becoming as rockets, even as shooting stars and soaring from the earth into the heavens above. Notwithstanding did you see a cloud, a normal every day cloud that was to become fat and even fatter as person after person was yet captured into it. Additionally was it the most profound, the most hands on dream ever, trumpets and sirens and just the most unnerving things with the most frightful part of all you yet don’t know where your parents are.
-Judiciously you begin this debate in your head, do you dress, get in your car and go look for them, or do you get on the phone to other relatives, your sibling, aunts, uncles? Definitely something has happen, seemingly it’s to happen to you, now you’re to determine to what extent. It’s here as you’re to dress and go after them, yes knowing full well you’re to discover them walking in the direction of home. Although is there also this gnawing, relentless ever present inquiry, what if momma was right, what if this is that time she often talked about and completely and you do mean completely dedicated her every existence on this earth to forewarning others? -Getting in your car, starting it up, backing it out do you remember her at attempts at convincing you and your other siblings at watching movies like Left Behind, The Omega Code, Revelation and Tribulation, not because they’re right she would say, but because they have a semblance of truth. Like she would say concerning the Movies Left behind, all churches wouldn’t be captured away, but all persons, from all walks of life both recognizing and serving with all their hearts, mind and souls Jesus the Christ of God as Lord over every aspect of their lives. She would also tell you all children will not be gathered unto Christ, that it’s not scripture, that whatsoever the parent’s faith as so is the child of that parent.
-Faithfully that if people really want to save their children and grant them an abundant life then remedying their cursed faith by the way of Christ’s cross was truly the only way to protect them both in this path of death and the ministration of death and hell to come. It’s also here you’re to realized not only have you not found them but unnoticeably you’re right now sitting in your brother’s yard, staying there again being reminded of her telling you what was going to follow this so called rapture would be the worse trials and tribulations ever.
200,427. Seen to be seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting like firing rockets from the earth at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004, (see Mat.24:29-31). My 200,427 prophecy link…
-Prophetically that you’re not only talking about natural disasters unprecedented, but demonic forces she would say, that’s been locked away for thousands, perhaps even millions of years will now be loosed onto the earth. Scripturally that these stages of evil despite how unthinkable would all be join and magnified by a wrath of God unimaginable. They were all things she would momentarily speak of, but momma was one speaking of so many things that you as so your siblings had become numb to most of what she said. Although it was strange, the strangest of all had said alertness all the more brought back to your memory a lot of the things she said.
-Consequently like the majority of those left behind would be people who not only wasn’t believers, but were some of the most faithful religious people on the planet who will not understand how it their truthfulness to lives, lands and especially churches. In total how their directness to tithes, offerings and choirs, how their all out goodness was completely passed over by the Lord Christ. Truly how said perilous times would cause many church leaders to not only be blamed but murdered by the hundred of thousands, that even suicide and murder suicide itself will become a structuring epidemic across the globe. Justly so would there be a form of pandemic among mankind unparalleled from all such the like trials gone before, when a knock to your car window is to bring you back into the now.
-“It’s momma and daddy,” you’re to blurt out unwittingly, “you’ve seen the news?” Upon exiting said car, “what about momma and daddy?” “It just that their cars are there but they’re not, they could be out walking,” coming into his house with him, that upon first notice you’re to realize he’s yet to cut his TV on. “Cut the TV on, the TV?” As to smile into finding the remote, “what’s with you and the TV?” Seemingly it comes on automatically ---“that,” as to bring this unknown phenomenon to the light of your brothers understanding. “What?” Backing confusingly into a seat, “what are they saying?” “That people are missing,” unable to sit down for the butterflies or fireflies in your belly, “they haven’t finish tallying but they believe hundreds of thousands, even a million could be missing.” “Wait a minute,” as to remember the first thing his brother murmured to him “what did you say about momma?”
-You find yourself sick, more sick and more thrown over by fear, by what this could all mean. I mean truly if everything your mother, the most dedicated, most faithful Apostle, Prophet you’re in your lifetime to know. Honestly not that you’ve known many, but was your mother and her faith twenty-four seven and always to the point of reminding you the only future mankind is to look forward to and by Christ’s cross to prepare themselves accordingly is not only the one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ but God’s kingdom that’s to follow for all eternity.
-Moreover are you nauseous, for if only the smallest, most insignificant of that she’s to tell you is remotely true then so is everything she’s to tell you. Relatively you and yours have just become a part of the most atrocious, inconclusive yes most beyond description dreadfulness of all mankind’s existence. Although this can’t be true, seeing your brother is to cut the set off only to turn it back on, seeing also that’s he’s to be joined by an awaking toddler son. On the face of it that although thousands, perhaps even millions are missing, it’s as your mother said, all children would not be included. Even though this can’t be, momma would have told you, she would have been more pressing, she would’ve grind this thing into your hearts, your mind, unmistakably she would’ve forced you to believe.
-“I’m going back to the house,” as to come into your senses, make this leave, “I’m sure they’re back by now.” “You think it’s that thing momma was talking about, you know those Jimmy Swaggart tapes she used to listen too, the rapture, the mark of the beast and all that stuff?” “I don’t know,” as not to alarm your little brother into this leave but were you in your very gut wrenching irrationally lame outside any depiction. “You don’t know?” Showing himself suspicious of your suspicion, “but suppose it true” turning from you, his worried brother into his infant "son, suppose it all true?" “It’s just not ok, then where are they, where’s momma and daddy?" “At the house by now I’m sure. “She said when it happen it would be the worse for the churches, especially the churches in the America,” “the majority of those left behind."
-“Those very ones having for the longest worshipped gain and the administration of charity for godliness, you know how she would tell us that just as Jesus preached there were many Christ, that there were also many types and forms of righteousness.” “That there was a righteousness according to the denominational world, a honorableness accompanying Islam, as so an uprightness accomplishing Catholicism.” “A morality Charlie she would say that’s according to all the various religions on this planet but there was only one saintliness according to God’s heavenly and emerging kingdom which is righteousness in complete likeness to the gospel of Jesus Christ, self denial, repentance and brotherly love.”
Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004 (Zech. 14: 1-8, Rev. 16;12-15,19:11-21, my 200,275 prophecy link).
-“He, this Christ Jesus she would say alone being the way to God, the truth of God, and life eternal with God.” “I tell you what,” pulling up along side of him, “when I get home I’ll tell momma how you remembered all of that, tell her to call me." "What my god is happen?" As one getting back into the house to his son and now his daughter who was also awake there was something else he also kept in mind. Sincerely that according to the Apostle Paul the great gathering into the sky at meeting the Lord Christ wouldn’t be except there come a falling away first. Conditionally that accept the majority of the free world, especially all churches and religious organization causing God’s people more harm than good are brought momma would say down to the dust.
-Openly that only as said dust clear will the supreme father know who his true servants are verses those who are simply renegades and apostate in their belief. They would in essence, the entire free world be scattered to the four corners of the globe. That’s the reason why this same apostle make it clear this supreme God’s Christ is returning for a church without spot, momma would say, without wrinkle or blemish. Devotedly, the reason why their mother forsook these erroneous manners of worship long ago, undeniably the motive of her never encouraging her children into these failed assemblies. Though they’re to by their own knees, the words of their mouth, heart at receiving Jesus as Christ, Lord over their lives, repent and reconcile themselves likewise.
-Wrinkle free she would remind them meant without age, as though this awaiting bride is newly born, or newly converted and is why the church/bride Jesus was returning for would be far removed from the supposedly church/ bride at present, more saintly, consecrated and spiritually minded than apostate. Sincerely that if it wasn’t for the great end-time purging, the wine press of God truly no flesh would be saved. Secondarily she would also teach how the rapture is something inconceivably graceful the Supreme Father will do for all people on the earth loving and serving him with all their hearts, mind and souls, all those especially looking to this Christ’s reappearance.
-That they would have died, yes died away from all earthbound existence, treasures or values, setting them instead in heaven. Genuinely that as long as they’re to have food to eat, clothes to wear and likewise shelter they’re to desire nothing but to evangelize righteousness according to the sacrificial redemption of God’s Christ Jesus. That this is where you’re to hear this supreme Christ crying aloud, yes sparing not, “lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth where moth and rust doeth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal, rather lay up your treasures in the heavens, where moth and rust can’t corrupt and where thieves cannot break through and steal. For where a man treasures are there is also his heart.
-{{“For those of you just tuning into the broadcast there have been reports across the globe of people being missing, it’s like a story right out of that movie Left Behind, except church members are not all escape, as so all children are not all escape. It was just three years ago 2008 that natural disasters and wars is to kill millions as so scatter the rest of the inheritance of America and the free world into the four corners of the world shattering the hope and dreams of the entire planet of man now this unpronounced happen-chance.
-It’s here we’re to turn to one of our affiliates Tom Jones,” “Tom?” “Yes Bryant, as you was just saying there are reports all over that hundreds of thousands, even millions are missing and as you can tell right behind me myriads have taken to the streets at this alarming panic, this upsetting feeling of being abandoned in ways unrealizable for now.” “Yes madam can we talk to you?” “Did you loose anyone?” “No, not that I know of, my husband is right over there, our three sons are with him, and I’ve talked with nearly every member of my family, they’re all still here.” “Do you sir know what’s happen, can anyone tell us what’s going on?” “What are you watching, I’m glad you're up," as one handing the baby off to wife Shay, where events happening that just couldn't be happening. “I got to get to mommas’ house, what are they talking about?" "People are missing Shay, hundreds of thousands, even millions.” “What you mean missing?" "I mean gone, nowhere to be found, you mean like your momma was talking about, that thing she called of, of, the rapture Shay." As to scratch his head necessarily at figuring his next move, where, how. “Charlie has already been here, said he couldn’t find them, he couldn’t find momma nor daddy.” “What?” Did a sizeable horror, indigestible, indescribable also seize her in urgent places, this wouldn't be right, it just couldn't be. “Yeah you better call your parents.”
Seen to be seeing the Seventh angel, the Archangel Gabriel, they both seen to be declaring: “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind” 05/15/2004, see Rev. 10:7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy line
-Having arrived back at the house are you soon to learn your situation haven’t changed, that just as before neither of your parents are to be found. It’s here as you end this research into a seat, into a look again into breaking news are you reminded of your father telling you how it was the heavenly host had been showing your mother the smoke of America’s burning since the mid eighties. That she was certain not nearly as many people as was suspected would be taken in the rapture, although as a divine retraction that was before her understanding the revelation knowledge that the rapture could possibly be in the middle of the tribulation. Unthinkably but would the great falling away from organize religion (Mystery Babylon) have the ability to reconcile millions more.
-Additionally that the same window used by God to sealed the one hundred and forty four thousands of his servants happening doing the sixth seal, doing the recognition of God’s wrath being unleashed and just prior to the opening of the seventh seal and first trumpet would Jesus Christ use this same door at calling his Church/ Bride unto himself. For the Lord himself shall ascend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump (trumpet) of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which alive and remind (trusting, delighting and committing) shall be caught up together with the Lord and there shall we ever be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these things…Paul…I Thess. 4:16-18
-Had she also been explaining to you for years that the greatest threat against America’s soil would first be record breaking natural disasters, said calamity would then be followed by wars from heaven. Evidently by asteroids and meteors showers that would then be followed by massive wars and rumors of wars. Candidly, that the reason why some of the greatest super powers ever besides Daniel’s vision concerning the ten kings and the Little Horn.
-As so Ezekiel’s vision concerning Babel and the Ephah, as so John’s vision surrounding the fall of Mystery Babylon. So on that the reason why some of the mightiest nations ever are not mention biblically beyond the Roman Empire was because they were always this empire scattered abroad and would be of little or no significance by this time. Despondently though prophetically that by the time the Anti-Christ come into power America and the free world would’ve been literally wiped from the globe.
-{{{“Hey,” turning a clear ear at hearing “yeah did you find them?” “I didn’t find momma but daddy is right here,” “what?” “Yeah said when he woke up momma was no where to be found, you ought to see him, I think we gonna have put him on suicide watch or something.” “Well Shay talked to her parents, they’re at home watching all this unfold on the television.” “You going somewhere daddy?” Witnessed upon as one rising, pulling on his jacket, as one readying a troublesome leave. “I think I’ll go out look around one more time, well don’t you think I should come with you?" Yet guarding the receiver, did they all find themselves in the worse predicament imagined. “I mean two can look for her better than one, your mother told me just the other day that I had to stop blaming you boys for everything annoying me on this planet, that the wrestles I was in wasn’t against flesh and blood, but wicked principalities in high places.”
-“What she really told me was I needed to find the alter of repentance that’s in my knees, that by Christ’s cross is said reconciliation in all men’s knees.” “I can’t believe this son,” getting out the door ahead of him, such the worrisome sort, were there people out who seldom docked their doors. “I’m the one who lead her to her faith, but she told me, she told me that while I was busy focusing on how worthless I thought you boys were that my complete dedication to earthly labors had caused me to lose sight of my first love as well.” “Seemingly that I’d unknowingly forsaken God.” “I don’t think she’s here daddy,” walking they were but to where, why? “I think we’re to realize she’s escape with the others, you know your mother asked me the other day did I think there are people predestine by the heavens to remain here as a witness to God’s kingdom after the great gathering and doing the worse concert of Jacob’s troubles ever?” “I remember how that inquiry send chills right through me, you know the very thought that mankind is to be so pig headed concerning end-time events still they would miss the most spectacular interpretation and execution of blessed hoped ever recorded.” "You know son what she also told me?" How in the longest, most horrifying walk home ever in their lives, would they only now realize what a god-sent the wife and mother was. "When she told me it was as though she knew I was in Jeopardy, what she said son was when the Anti-Christ take over the earth we're to understand for the final time all men, woman, boys and girls on the earth are now dead." "Of course, she said the truth is it has been this way since our first parents fall but will it be all the more evident to the masses."
There’s something about the rapture of the church, some by grace, (Christ’s Cross), others by the winepress (wrath) of God 06/12/2004, (see Rev. 14:13- 20) my 200,749 prophecy link
-“What your mother son meant by this is there's nothing we and our children have of value now but our souls, that the only thing of value Satan's Son is to relieve of us is again our souls." "She said again this is the way it's been since the beginning but has an astronomical curse of death, that at mankind's final fall (the Cross of Christ) transformed into a ministration of death." "That then overlaid by a dispensation of God's grace totally deluded us into thinking it's to be life abundant." "In all reality it's being found guilty and getting a punishment of death whereas we’re to suffer instead this life imprisonment so long we’ve completely forgotten ours, mankind's is a penalty of death." "Further we're to comprehend mankind's kingdoms are over, whatever we're to treasure, magnify and honor above the supreme despite how it look, sound, even taste is all passed away.”
-“Positively that there's nothing on the earth but an indulgence of fatality that's to claim not only hundred's of millions lives, but their immortal souls intact with those doomed lives." "Again she's to remind us Satan's Son cannot offer us nor our loved ones nothing that doesn't have the immortality of our souls firmly attach, fulfilling the most curious inquiry of God's only begotten son, and what shall man give in exchange for his soul?" "And this father I assume is important because there's no telling what manner of tactics the Son of prediction is to use at convincing us at taking his mark, right?" "Right, if you're to resist him he's to use a combination of things, like killing you when you're already dead, you’re now, as from birth only a living, breathing soul and except you repent." "Justly as like killing your children, your siblings, even your parents when all mankind on this earth for the final duration are already unto timely appointments and judgments." -----"Mother told me Shay in the year of our Lord 12/25/2001 that in this particular dream mankind had hewn out their extravagant lives, lands and churches right through the middle of a wilderness." "That she at passing through it was she driving a brand new white trimmed in gold intrepid automobile, as so having nothing but trees to both sides of her." "That all of sudden the door open on the driver's side and she tumbled from the automobile to her feet just to see this car drive on away.” "You mean like the intrepid adventure had come to an end ?" "Yes, I never thought of it that way, but yes." "Momma said not long after she notice her car went on without her did she realize she was standing in front of an old, worn building, she said the building reminded her somewhat of the house she used to live in doing her childhood." "As though all that’d gone before was now fulfilled, even past away until yet another reality, yes, I guess." "That once she was inside did she notice it wasn't a house at all, but was it in likeness more of a hospital, not a hospital so much for sick people, but strangely enough for weighing people, it was a weigh station." "Naturally coming into the weigh station, remember Henry after mankind's worldly adventures he's to be what?” “Judged." "It’s appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment, her being weighed was her and her adventures being judged.” "Continuing Shay she said soon her time came whereas she was taken by these labors and placed on a scale where she weighed 190 lbs. even." "So,” as one leaping into a wonderment around the room, was her husband all the more amazed at her insight, her judgment was in lbs." Remember, you've been weighed, numbered and found wanting, and that mankind is often found guilty of is of course rebellion, apostasy and wickedness.” "That again Shay once she was weighed, once they were to understand her judgment that she was lead to a porch to the back of the house that doing all this time she remembered her car and wondered how would she leave without it." "That just as soon was she lead out and was soon lead upon by a horse, she said she remember thinking she didn't know how to ride a horse." "Yeah Henry but this horse wasn't for riding right?” “It was the measure of judgment she, or whoever she was to represent in this dream had brought upon themselves through their intrepid adventures.” "It’s here Shay she realized the horse they were to give her not only was the tallest horse she'd ever seen, but being beige, you mean pale, the pale horse Henry is unpronounced death, but was it also Shay infested with fleas." "A diseased pale horse of death and as John saw with hell following." “Obviously she never understood whether or not the figure 190 stood for 190 days, weeks or months but she simply refused to accept the fact it presented 190 years and she was right." “I mean your mother in this dream represented America, the free world, even Henry democracy’s long reign that since she's to refuse that space for repentance and regarded it not was her judgment to be realized by the year 2008." "I think Shay that’s came, if that figure of 190 meant months then mother pinpointed America would be over visibly to the world by Jan. 2008 and there Henry haven't been an America, heck a free world since, strewn it is to the four winds.” "Anyway,” as though he’s to dress the children for getting out, did he have to go see his father and brother for himself, “she made a point of writing all these things down." "My God Shay," as one crippled by overwhelming emotions was his mother really gone, if so would he ever see her again? "If only we'd listen, if only we knew and believe then, my god why didn't she scream it to us?" "Because you simply would've said momma, you're getting too loud, too serious, these things can't be that serious."
Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the rapture of the church 01/06/2004, my 200,259, (see Matt. 25: 34-43, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess. 4:16-18, II Thess. 2:1-6, Rev. 7:9-17) my 200,271 prophecy link
-Father was crying as they all either had or would, he was sobbing an
d thinking about all the forewarnings mother alone had given them. How she’d been having visions, dreams and even visitations to heaven. That while she was there, she participated in a trial run toward the rapture of the church. How even a few months later she had a similar experience whereas this time she saw a dress rehearsal concerning both the great gathering of saints, as so Jesus Christ coming to the battle of Armageddon. Subsequently this essential part and most spectacular testimonial of all that she awaken to a reality of actually standing with Christ on the mount of Olivet. That it was so real that she actually remembered how cool, crisp and fresh the air, or the oxygen was up there. Consequently were these observable facts the fulfillment of biblical prophecies concerning all of the above where closer now than they’d ever been in biblical history.
-“What is it?” As one waking sedately from his sleep, into a stand away, into this lengthy, even terrifying imagination. “A dream Shay, a really, really weird dream.” “It was like that rapture thing had happen,” remembering the TV, that breaking news at cutting it on, at seeing all things was as normal. “People were missing, lots and lots of people, even Shay mom and dad.” “Although we eventually found dad but mom, she was gone.” “We knew things Shay, spiritual things, almost like mom you know.” “There was this cloud and person, after person, after person like stars, more like rockets shooting into the heaven was captured into it until it was to it’s bursting open.” “Where you going?” Noticing he’s to respond but lethargically, at dressing, at tying his shoes, at getting out, it was unimaginable Shay and scary as hell.” “Even our children were left behind, only mom alone escaped, and you know what?” That he’s to turn this strange testimony quite substantial to her directly had she never seen him this disturbed. “I don’t think we were in America anymore, I don’t think it existed anymore, it’s like we were and we weren’t.” “Where Henry are you going, “Where?” I’m going to moms, whatever she’s to have Shay about this rapture, whatever she’s to know, I wanna know, you hear me, I wanna understand.” “My god what if it’d all been true?” “My god do you know how much trouble we would be in?” “My god!” That you be aware, that you be born-again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you, as to pluck Ambers from the burning, “What If,” From the Daily Shepherd Song Apb…Apostle Patricia A. Bradford… pbradfordm@aol.com
America, A Slow Moving Catastrophe
-I told my husband just this morning, and yes, as of 04/17/2011 this is an insert, how doing the dreams I shared the first of this year, 2011. One was a dream about masses of people making for the border though how they were taking their time, then there was a scene of line upon line of people at the ATM machines. They were as well all just taking their time, I told him this mean America is a nationwide catastrophe in slow motion, meaning though it’s happening, and it’s obvious it’s happening, it just isn’t a reality. In one of these dreams it had to be like something out of the Cuban Missile era, again as I saw into people’s household were they anxiously parked in front of their television set awaiting breaking news. They were waiting to see whether the news would be good or bad, when suddenly proposing the news was bad did they all of them start running panic through their homes grabbing previously prepared backpacks getting out, away to their automobiles. This is the one where I witnessed a death angel in the land, how he was giving these people chase, that once he captured one of them. That he would raise to plain sight, this huge syringe jamming it right into the chest of the victims, leaving nothing of them, or the free world they represent but a paper Ma’che to be hung by a magnet on the refrigerator.
-He cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying; Cause they that have charge over the city, to draw near, even every man with his destroying weapon in his hand. And behold six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man’s slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was cloth in linen, which had the writers inkhorn by his side. And the Lord saith unto him go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the forehead of the men that sigh and cry for all the abomination that be done in the midst thereof. And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity, slay literally young and old…Ezekiel 9:1-6a
-Somebody asked my husband recently whether or not God was angry at America, and he responded with shock, quoting his Apostle wife, the Death Rider vision, are you serious? America is the greatest abomination of them all, there is therefore a judgment set against this nation that is literally without description, tens of millions will die, how America will be no more. That as God describes the fall of Mystery Babylon, He’s describing how he’s to destroy in an hour this world’s primary supplier of goods and services, but we’re not just talking about merchandise of silver and gold, of commerce. Though there’s this abominable, even detestable manner of immorality America endorses to the world, how she, America is this world seat bed of whoredom and abominations of the earth. By a heinous above all nation sexual promiscuity alone the world has given place to same sex relations like never before. No, with America it has always been like this follow the leader, the single one who claim God but does nothing this Holy Lord say, hypocritical oath. There is a judgment of God set against her where I’ve heard territorial and Holy Spirit commanded to simply like God’s servant Job strip them naked and bare. That her greatest treasures would become so worthless, like the Jerusalem/Judah in Ezekiel’s day they will virtually toss gold into the streets for its worthlessness, it is, all of it is set to burn, again slaying millions upon millions, repetitively drop your pensions (worldly worth) and head for the hills.
-So just yesterday as the spouse and I were sitting on the deck and the ministering of the gospel of Jesus Christ became the subject. I told him, well the ministering of the gospel, the testimonial of Jesus Christ is fixing to pass from being the responsibility of the church bride to that of the tribulation saints, you know as the church bride will soon be captured out. This was an extraordinary realization, but it wasn’t so shocking to be literally indigestible, as we’re convinced these supposedly inconceivable events are nearer than ever before. This is the forewarning the blessed Holy Spirit was giving me as I stood beside my stove a month or so ago, being the furthest thing from my mind at the time he simply described. What this blessed one said was very soon, the church bride, first resurrection saints could be in heaven, looking down upon the earth, praying for the tribulation saints as the anti-Christ is given power to overcome them. Of course this was again reassurance of how the fulfillment of these things are so nigh us until it’s too blessed and too extraordinarily comprehensible. Though to comprehend it biblically, scripturally and of course wholeheartedly those redeemed by Jesus bloody Cross, resurrection and ascension are about to leave this place, blessed are those who are in the first resurrection that they shall rest from their labors.
The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy
749. There’s something about the Rapture, some by grace, others by the wine press of God 06/12/2003
200,259. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a dress rehearsal for the Rapture of the church 01/06/2004
200,271. Seen to be in heaven, seen to be seeing a trial run for the rapture of the churh, the rapture of the church mightily on the map 01/08/2004
200,275. Seen to be in the heavens, seen to be seeing a trial run for the second coming of Jesus Christ to the battle of Armageddon 01/08/2004
200,306. Seen to be seeing a key, the bottomless pit and Satan being placed into prison, Satan one thousand year imprisonment on the map 01/14/2004
200,660. Seen to be seeing, visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The Fulfillment Of All Things Is Upon Us" 05/15/2004
200,663. A Voice Declaring: “She’s going or coming with the seventh Angel" the seventh angel on the map 05/17/2004 -W
200,427. Seen to seeing a cloud fat and bursting through with the first resurrection saints shooting into the heavens like rockets at meeting the Lord Christ in the heavens 02/14/2004
300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004
Prophetically On The Map
Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link
For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen
The Great Gathering Of Saints
Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left, two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord cometh…JCON, see Matt. 24, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess.4:16-18,
Listening To: John Starnes: Midnight Cry
Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…
A Ministry Above
Monday, October 5, 2009
What If Two
Hear the A Mystery 04/22/2008
Here Thee A Shepherd Song
A Shepherd Song
The Communicator
What If, The Anti-Christ Reign
“What are they saying?” “Pastors and ministers are being killed, thousands here, even hundred of thousands around the globe, you know, for leading the people astray.” “Churches and Catherals are being set to fire, a lot of mourning people still in them, my god,” as one easing sorrowfully into a seat, did these riotous attacks make all the sense in the world. “They’re blaming them, yes, it would seem if so called pastors and religious leaders, if they’d stayed with sound doctrine not so many church people would still be here.” “My god Charlie I still can’t believe this is happening, first the disasters of 2008 and now this, you know they’re reporting millions of people are dead?” “Yes, but dad said mom always said the rapture itself would cause cataclysmic chaos across the entire globe, that millions could die, and so it is.” “So many people deceived, so many people left behind to die, to suffer in ways unthinkable, and die.” “Well Charles if we must die, and we must, die that is, we may as well do it in and for Jesus Christ.” “I never told you what movie was playing the morning your mother disappeared did I?” “Left Behind, it was at the end and the song ‘Midnight Cry’ was playing, she’d told me only days prior that particular song was playing relentlessly in her head.” “I guess I never told you because I was a bit embarrassed, damn it! I can’t believe how stupid I was, how stubborn and proud, and the grandkids are all mixed up in this too, do you know how, not all of them, what, what did you say?” “Maggie says Little John and Sarah are gone, what?” With nearing tears stinging both of their eyes, their noses to running over, why was it he was just learning this extra-ordinary news now, at present? “Why are you, because I been busy dad kicking myself that my children of four and six years old were more wise, more believing about these things than me.” “It would seem momma taught them to pray a particular prayer a certain way, how if they prayed this prayer Jesus wouldn’t leave them behind.”
“Tulsa is still here though, still here dad because her parents were unbelievers and she’s to suffer our foolish unbelief.” “You know all of Charlie kids are still here, yeah, I know, I also know they were wrong, wrong, the Left Behind movies, you know about the kids, all that’s son because of people interpreting the bible the way they think it should be instead of as it is or has for the ancient been written.”
“They’re wrong son about the churches too, most of the people like your mother said left behind were church members, you mother always said just because people were in churches didn’t mean they were in Christ Jesus.” “How most of the time it meant the opposite, how church attendance was a type of supplement to true righteousness, this extraordinary avoidance.” “Ah son the deceptions alone, how the people were de-ceived, how that deception has caused so many the greatest divine escape of man-kind’s existence.” “I got here as soon as I could, hey there boy, why you hiding?” Where’s Katie?” “She didn’t want to come, she’s waiting for momma to return, ah god, we’re here dad about mother’s ministry, what about it?” “You kids never gave a damn about it before.” “What happen dad, we thought you was a believer as mom?” “I was, it’s just over the years I let the trials and tribulations of this life steal my faith away one tribulation at a time until I became so embittered toward God’s righteousness, so dissatisfied with it and them I started spitting out mockeries.”
“Well dad according to biblical prophecy what’s next?” “The New world order that will last some three and one half years and after that the anti-Christ reign coupled with God’s wrath unleashing more than a hell on this earth.” “This mean pretty soon world nations will meet, especially Islamic leaders, the beast spoken of especially in revelation seventeen will be as a man in their midst, probably a man of Islamic, Jewish or African origin, European I doubt seeing he’s all the more lest trusted thus his rule will be fairly over by and now the gentiles, as it’s their time to again reign.” “The supreme of heaven will impress upon these leaders to give rule of their nations over to this beast where a seven year peace accord will be realized between Israel and her leaders, and after threescore and two weeks will the beast at possessing who is described as a little horn rise again to destroy it all, this is all according to your mothers interpretation of scripture. ”What it does sons is fill in a lot of the empty spaces, especially where many have made these end time leaders of European origin more so than any other.” “Again this is where mother’s ministry come in, I mean regardless dad of how eerie or lame-brain she was thought to be these things are happening just as she predicted, yeah, she always told me man’s interpretation.” “Especially when it came to America, the free world always got it wrong as she’d been seeing America’s destruction, seen many forms of evac-uations and complete exodus out of her for years and look at us now.” “Yeah but even father after the last years in this foreign land, this is no longer working is it, aren’t we looking at another Exodus?” “You look really sleepy you know?” “No,” shaking a head f refusal at seeing grandson Chris is to shake his head at moving even further behind his father’s legs at hiding, had he been this distant since his grandmothers disappearance. “Ok, but don’t you go falling out now, so what about your mother’s ministry, like I said you boys never cared before, well dad every-thing’s different now, yeah, I just be it is.” “You didn’t answer us dad, will we have to forsake this part of the America’s also?” “What is the theocracy of the church saying?” “Are you kidding, they’re even more lost, confused, I know, they preached one thing and believed another and God has dealt with them not according to what they preached but what they truly in their hearts at these times, believed, an ironic proof how God truly isn‘t mocked.” “So was this great gathering rapture the end to the dispensation of grace?” “No, your mother said if their truly is an end to it, it’s realized at the tribulation saints, that sons would be us.“ “Those now arriving out of great tribulation standing before throne and the lamb, having their otherwise scarlet (sin-ridden) robes washed and made white by the blood of the lamb.” “What are you two starring at?“ “It’s just dad there, right there, as you was quoting divine scriptures as though you were there, as though you’re actually one of them, it reminded us of mom, really.” “So why dad is Chris still here, Heather, even Tulsa, but Maggie kids are gone, Little John and Sarah?“ “Truly son only God’s knows, but it had to be about something that was in their hearts, it just had to be.” “But these are children, they barely have a heart, maybe son, but they’re
still sin, sin from their mother’s womb, shaped and mold accordingly.” “I don’t care what and how anyone tell you, sin is mankind’s lineage, his blood line, there’s no undoing it unless you undo his blood, his blood lineage.” Which Christ Jesus alone did, sacrificing his, this sinless substitute of himself, adopting all be-lievers, as heir to God’s kingdom, whereby with him, by him, this new adoption, divine lineage they cry Abba Father.” “I mean when was it son, did you first sin?”
“Ok, clever, I get it, killing, stealing and destroying, jealousy, envy , strife, even lying, confusion and every evil work, now who sounds like mom?” “Do we wait, or dad do we go?” “Better yet Charlie where do we do go, or do we wait for this anti-Christ to come and pound us all into dust.” “Ok dad you said we have three and a half years, that’s son three and a half years from the next world summit and seven year peace agreement, ah, so where do we go?” “There’s no where to run from God’s wrath or the anti-Christ, I mean your mother was always encouraged for years to get to higher ground, to high hills and mountains.” “I guess you can sons say sh was being warn to get from places simply littered over with foolish mankind still trying to go about supposedly everyday lives, the very things God’s wrath is to target.”
“I will tell you two about a dream she told me about, in the dream as many times before an exodus was going on, and we had been caught right in the middle of it.”
“She said in the dream, 11,16/2001, we were trying to escape with the others only there were huge, gigantic trees all around for as far as the eye could and couldn’t see, that as we drove, we could hear the tires scrubbing against these huge failed truly hindering our escape, she said we pressed on barely and with the taxing realization we’d simply waited too long.” “Now in the last dream I’m to have 01/02/2009, I was on my way home from work, I couldn’t wait as usual to get home, nothing mattered but getting home when I, with a few of my co-workers stopped at the nearest store for supplies and refueling.” “Only before I could again get into my car and again make for home, I was brought to a damaged not parachute but parasail, and before I knew it I’d with this damaged parasail taken flight.” “I was floating, not too high or not too low when this flight brought me to stand upon a mountain top, I haven’t told you guys how terrified I was, that I would hurt myself or even be killed.” “Anyway the mountain top it rested upon was one overlooking New York, how I was positioned in a way to look or see at night the entire state of New York, her being lit up in all her glory and then I awaken in bed.” “My god dad what did it mean?” “I hardly know, your mother believed in dreams more so than me, she always told me, the Spirits that be always referred to America, as New York, maybe I was seeing her, in all her glory for the last time.” “Mom said while I was preoccupied with a worthless, mundane reality, even false security they, the holy spirits that be was reminding me, it was all about to come to an end.” “Dad, didn’t the prophet Jeremiah watch, or witness Jerusalem complete destruction from a mountain top?”
“Jerusalem son, another city, loved and treasured by the world, so much so, Israel
the country, became recognized more so by Jerusalem the city, hum, something to think about.” “ Well I’m going to lay down, you boys know where your momma work is, just put everything back in it’s place.”
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you... Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) 1822 Keltner Cove #5, Memphis TN. 38114... pbradfordm@aol.com
Prophecy Link
Pristine Landscapes
Seen to be seeing pristine landscapes, states like Colorado, of infidelity in Hudson, in family members, and monster storms double their destruction powers, again, again and again, a deadly, demonstrative fall of peace and safety, of normal, everyday life, on the map 05/13/2008
For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen
The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy
-200,660. Seen to be seeing, visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so a voice declaring, she‘s going, or coming with the seventh angel, the fulfillment, as so the sounding of the seventh angel on the map 05/15/2004 see Dan. 8:15-27, St. Luke 1:5-20, 26-38, Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
-300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004 (Zech. 14:1-4).
Prophetically On The Map
Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link (Zech. 13:4-6, Matt. 24:29-31, Rev. 19:11-21)
Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left, two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord cometh…JCON, see Matt. 24, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess.
Bob Carlisle: In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…
A Ministry Above
Here Thee A Shepherd Song
A Shepherd Song
The Communicator
What If, The Anti-Christ Reign
“What are they saying?” “Pastors and ministers are being killed, thousands here, even hundred of thousands around the globe, you know, for leading the people astray.” “Churches and Catherals are being set to fire, a lot of mourning people still in them, my god,” as one easing sorrowfully into a seat, did these riotous attacks make all the sense in the world. “They’re blaming them, yes, it would seem if so called pastors and religious leaders, if they’d stayed with sound doctrine not so many church people would still be here.” “My god Charlie I still can’t believe this is happening, first the disasters of 2008 and now this, you know they’re reporting millions of people are dead?” “Yes, but dad said mom always said the rapture itself would cause cataclysmic chaos across the entire globe, that millions could die, and so it is.” “So many people deceived, so many people left behind to die, to suffer in ways unthinkable, and die.” “Well Charles if we must die, and we must, die that is, we may as well do it in and for Jesus Christ.” “I never told you what movie was playing the morning your mother disappeared did I?” “Left Behind, it was at the end and the song ‘Midnight Cry’ was playing, she’d told me only days prior that particular song was playing relentlessly in her head.” “I guess I never told you because I was a bit embarrassed, damn it! I can’t believe how stupid I was, how stubborn and proud, and the grandkids are all mixed up in this too, do you know how, not all of them, what, what did you say?” “Maggie says Little John and Sarah are gone, what?” With nearing tears stinging both of their eyes, their noses to running over, why was it he was just learning this extra-ordinary news now, at present? “Why are you, because I been busy dad kicking myself that my children of four and six years old were more wise, more believing about these things than me.” “It would seem momma taught them to pray a particular prayer a certain way, how if they prayed this prayer Jesus wouldn’t leave them behind.”
“Tulsa is still here though, still here dad because her parents were unbelievers and she’s to suffer our foolish unbelief.” “You know all of Charlie kids are still here, yeah, I know, I also know they were wrong, wrong, the Left Behind movies, you know about the kids, all that’s son because of people interpreting the bible the way they think it should be instead of as it is or has for the ancient been written.”
“They’re wrong son about the churches too, most of the people like your mother said left behind were church members, you mother always said just because people were in churches didn’t mean they were in Christ Jesus.” “How most of the time it meant the opposite, how church attendance was a type of supplement to true righteousness, this extraordinary avoidance.” “Ah son the deceptions alone, how the people were de-ceived, how that deception has caused so many the greatest divine escape of man-kind’s existence.” “I got here as soon as I could, hey there boy, why you hiding?” Where’s Katie?” “She didn’t want to come, she’s waiting for momma to return, ah god, we’re here dad about mother’s ministry, what about it?” “You kids never gave a damn about it before.” “What happen dad, we thought you was a believer as mom?” “I was, it’s just over the years I let the trials and tribulations of this life steal my faith away one tribulation at a time until I became so embittered toward God’s righteousness, so dissatisfied with it and them I started spitting out mockeries.”
“Well dad according to biblical prophecy what’s next?” “The New world order that will last some three and one half years and after that the anti-Christ reign coupled with God’s wrath unleashing more than a hell on this earth.” “This mean pretty soon world nations will meet, especially Islamic leaders, the beast spoken of especially in revelation seventeen will be as a man in their midst, probably a man of Islamic, Jewish or African origin, European I doubt seeing he’s all the more lest trusted thus his rule will be fairly over by and now the gentiles, as it’s their time to again reign.” “The supreme of heaven will impress upon these leaders to give rule of their nations over to this beast where a seven year peace accord will be realized between Israel and her leaders, and after threescore and two weeks will the beast at possessing who is described as a little horn rise again to destroy it all, this is all according to your mothers interpretation of scripture. ”What it does sons is fill in a lot of the empty spaces, especially where many have made these end time leaders of European origin more so than any other.” “Again this is where mother’s ministry come in, I mean regardless dad of how eerie or lame-brain she was thought to be these things are happening just as she predicted, yeah, she always told me man’s interpretation.” “Especially when it came to America, the free world always got it wrong as she’d been seeing America’s destruction, seen many forms of evac-uations and complete exodus out of her for years and look at us now.” “Yeah but even father after the last years in this foreign land, this is no longer working is it, aren’t we looking at another Exodus?” “You look really sleepy you know?” “No,” shaking a head f refusal at seeing grandson Chris is to shake his head at moving even further behind his father’s legs at hiding, had he been this distant since his grandmothers disappearance. “Ok, but don’t you go falling out now, so what about your mother’s ministry, like I said you boys never cared before, well dad every-thing’s different now, yeah, I just be it is.” “You didn’t answer us dad, will we have to forsake this part of the America’s also?” “What is the theocracy of the church saying?” “Are you kidding, they’re even more lost, confused, I know, they preached one thing and believed another and God has dealt with them not according to what they preached but what they truly in their hearts at these times, believed, an ironic proof how God truly isn‘t mocked.” “So was this great gathering rapture the end to the dispensation of grace?” “No, your mother said if their truly is an end to it, it’s realized at the tribulation saints, that sons would be us.“ “Those now arriving out of great tribulation standing before throne and the lamb, having their otherwise scarlet (sin-ridden) robes washed and made white by the blood of the lamb.” “What are you two starring at?“ “It’s just dad there, right there, as you was quoting divine scriptures as though you were there, as though you’re actually one of them, it reminded us of mom, really.” “So why dad is Chris still here, Heather, even Tulsa, but Maggie kids are gone, Little John and Sarah?“ “Truly son only God’s knows, but it had to be about something that was in their hearts, it just had to be.” “But these are children, they barely have a heart, maybe son, but they’re
still sin, sin from their mother’s womb, shaped and mold accordingly.” “I don’t care what and how anyone tell you, sin is mankind’s lineage, his blood line, there’s no undoing it unless you undo his blood, his blood lineage.” Which Christ Jesus alone did, sacrificing his, this sinless substitute of himself, adopting all be-lievers, as heir to God’s kingdom, whereby with him, by him, this new adoption, divine lineage they cry Abba Father.” “I mean when was it son, did you first sin?”
“Ok, clever, I get it, killing, stealing and destroying, jealousy, envy , strife, even lying, confusion and every evil work, now who sounds like mom?” “Do we wait, or dad do we go?” “Better yet Charlie where do we do go, or do we wait for this anti-Christ to come and pound us all into dust.” “Ok dad you said we have three and a half years, that’s son three and a half years from the next world summit and seven year peace agreement, ah, so where do we go?” “There’s no where to run from God’s wrath or the anti-Christ, I mean your mother was always encouraged for years to get to higher ground, to high hills and mountains.” “I guess you can sons say sh was being warn to get from places simply littered over with foolish mankind still trying to go about supposedly everyday lives, the very things God’s wrath is to target.”
“I will tell you two about a dream she told me about, in the dream as many times before an exodus was going on, and we had been caught right in the middle of it.”
“She said in the dream, 11,16/2001, we were trying to escape with the others only there were huge, gigantic trees all around for as far as the eye could and couldn’t see, that as we drove, we could hear the tires scrubbing against these huge failed truly hindering our escape, she said we pressed on barely and with the taxing realization we’d simply waited too long.” “Now in the last dream I’m to have 01/02/2009, I was on my way home from work, I couldn’t wait as usual to get home, nothing mattered but getting home when I, with a few of my co-workers stopped at the nearest store for supplies and refueling.” “Only before I could again get into my car and again make for home, I was brought to a damaged not parachute but parasail, and before I knew it I’d with this damaged parasail taken flight.” “I was floating, not too high or not too low when this flight brought me to stand upon a mountain top, I haven’t told you guys how terrified I was, that I would hurt myself or even be killed.” “Anyway the mountain top it rested upon was one overlooking New York, how I was positioned in a way to look or see at night the entire state of New York, her being lit up in all her glory and then I awaken in bed.” “My god dad what did it mean?” “I hardly know, your mother believed in dreams more so than me, she always told me, the Spirits that be always referred to America, as New York, maybe I was seeing her, in all her glory for the last time.” “Mom said while I was preoccupied with a worthless, mundane reality, even false security they, the holy spirits that be was reminding me, it was all about to come to an end.” “Dad, didn’t the prophet Jeremiah watch, or witness Jerusalem complete destruction from a mountain top?”
“Jerusalem son, another city, loved and treasured by the world, so much so, Israel
the country, became recognized more so by Jerusalem the city, hum, something to think about.” “ Well I’m going to lay down, you boys know where your momma work is, just put everything back in it’s place.”
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you... Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) 1822 Keltner Cove #5, Memphis TN. 38114... pbradfordm@aol.com
Prophecy Link
Pristine Landscapes
Seen to be seeing pristine landscapes, states like Colorado, of infidelity in Hudson, in family members, and monster storms double their destruction powers, again, again and again, a deadly, demonstrative fall of peace and safety, of normal, everyday life, on the map 05/13/2008
For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen
The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy
-200,660. Seen to be seeing, visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so a voice declaring, she‘s going, or coming with the seventh angel, the fulfillment, as so the sounding of the seventh angel on the map 05/15/2004 see Dan. 8:15-27, St. Luke 1:5-20, 26-38, Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
-300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004 (Zech. 14:1-4).
Prophetically On The Map
Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link (Zech. 13:4-6, Matt. 24:29-31, Rev. 19:11-21)
Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left, two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord cometh…JCON, see Matt. 24, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess.
Bob Carlisle: In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…
A Ministry Above
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