Hear the A Mystery 04/22/2008
Here Thee A Shepherd Song
A Shepherd Song
The Communicator
What If, The Anti-Christ Reign
“What are they saying?” “Pastors and ministers are being killed, thousands here, even hundred of thousands around the globe, you know, for leading the people astray.” “Churches and Catherals are being set to fire, a lot of mourning people still in them, my god,” as one easing sorrowfully into a seat, did these riotous attacks make all the sense in the world. “They’re blaming them, yes, it would seem if so called pastors and religious leaders, if they’d stayed with sound doctrine not so many church people would still be here.” “My god Charlie I still can’t believe this is happening, first the disasters of 2008 and now this, you know they’re reporting millions of people are dead?” “Yes, but dad said mom always said the rapture itself would cause cataclysmic chaos across the entire globe, that millions could die, and so it is.” “So many people deceived, so many people left behind to die, to suffer in ways unthinkable, and die.” “Well Charles if we must die, and we must, die that is, we may as well do it in and for Jesus Christ.” “I never told you what movie was playing the morning your mother disappeared did I?” “Left Behind, it was at the end and the song ‘Midnight Cry’ was playing, she’d told me only days prior that particular song was playing relentlessly in her head.” “I guess I never told you because I was a bit embarrassed, damn it! I can’t believe how stupid I was, how stubborn and proud, and the grandkids are all mixed up in this too, do you know how, not all of them, what, what did you say?” “Maggie says Little John and Sarah are gone, what?” With nearing tears stinging both of their eyes, their noses to running over, why was it he was just learning this extra-ordinary news now, at present? “Why are you, because I been busy dad kicking myself that my children of four and six years old were more wise, more believing about these things than me.” “It would seem momma taught them to pray a particular prayer a certain way, how if they prayed this prayer Jesus wouldn’t leave them behind.”
“Tulsa is still here though, still here dad because her parents were unbelievers and she’s to suffer our foolish unbelief.” “You know all of Charlie kids are still here, yeah, I know, I also know they were wrong, wrong, the Left Behind movies, you know about the kids, all that’s son because of people interpreting the bible the way they think it should be instead of as it is or has for the ancient been written.”
“They’re wrong son about the churches too, most of the people like your mother said left behind were church members, you mother always said just because people were in churches didn’t mean they were in Christ Jesus.” “How most of the time it meant the opposite, how church attendance was a type of supplement to true righteousness, this extraordinary avoidance.” “Ah son the deceptions alone, how the people were de-ceived, how that deception has caused so many the greatest divine escape of man-kind’s existence.” “I got here as soon as I could, hey there boy, why you hiding?” Where’s Katie?” “She didn’t want to come, she’s waiting for momma to return, ah god, we’re here dad about mother’s ministry, what about it?” “You kids never gave a damn about it before.” “What happen dad, we thought you was a believer as mom?” “I was, it’s just over the years I let the trials and tribulations of this life steal my faith away one tribulation at a time until I became so embittered toward God’s righteousness, so dissatisfied with it and them I started spitting out mockeries.”
“Well dad according to biblical prophecy what’s next?” “The New world order that will last some three and one half years and after that the anti-Christ reign coupled with God’s wrath unleashing more than a hell on this earth.” “This mean pretty soon world nations will meet, especially Islamic leaders, the beast spoken of especially in revelation seventeen will be as a man in their midst, probably a man of Islamic, Jewish or African origin, European I doubt seeing he’s all the more lest trusted thus his rule will be fairly over by and now the gentiles, as it’s their time to again reign.” “The supreme of heaven will impress upon these leaders to give rule of their nations over to this beast where a seven year peace accord will be realized between Israel and her leaders, and after threescore and two weeks will the beast at possessing who is described as a little horn rise again to destroy it all, this is all according to your mothers interpretation of scripture. ”What it does sons is fill in a lot of the empty spaces, especially where many have made these end time leaders of European origin more so than any other.” “Again this is where mother’s ministry come in, I mean regardless dad of how eerie or lame-brain she was thought to be these things are happening just as she predicted, yeah, she always told me man’s interpretation.” “Especially when it came to America, the free world always got it wrong as she’d been seeing America’s destruction, seen many forms of evac-uations and complete exodus out of her for years and look at us now.” “Yeah but even father after the last years in this foreign land, this is no longer working is it, aren’t we looking at another Exodus?” “You look really sleepy you know?” “No,” shaking a head f refusal at seeing grandson Chris is to shake his head at moving even further behind his father’s legs at hiding, had he been this distant since his grandmothers disappearance. “Ok, but don’t you go falling out now, so what about your mother’s ministry, like I said you boys never cared before, well dad every-thing’s different now, yeah, I just be it is.” “You didn’t answer us dad, will we have to forsake this part of the America’s also?” “What is the theocracy of the church saying?” “Are you kidding, they’re even more lost, confused, I know, they preached one thing and believed another and God has dealt with them not according to what they preached but what they truly in their hearts at these times, believed, an ironic proof how God truly isn‘t mocked.” “So was this great gathering rapture the end to the dispensation of grace?” “No, your mother said if their truly is an end to it, it’s realized at the tribulation saints, that sons would be us.“ “Those now arriving out of great tribulation standing before throne and the lamb, having their otherwise scarlet (sin-ridden) robes washed and made white by the blood of the lamb.” “What are you two starring at?“ “It’s just dad there, right there, as you was quoting divine scriptures as though you were there, as though you’re actually one of them, it reminded us of mom, really.” “So why dad is Chris still here, Heather, even Tulsa, but Maggie kids are gone, Little John and Sarah?“ “Truly son only God’s knows, but it had to be about something that was in their hearts, it just had to be.” “But these are children, they barely have a heart, maybe son, but they’re
still sin, sin from their mother’s womb, shaped and mold accordingly.” “I don’t care what and how anyone tell you, sin is mankind’s lineage, his blood line, there’s no undoing it unless you undo his blood, his blood lineage.” Which Christ Jesus alone did, sacrificing his, this sinless substitute of himself, adopting all be-lievers, as heir to God’s kingdom, whereby with him, by him, this new adoption, divine lineage they cry Abba Father.” “I mean when was it son, did you first sin?”
“Ok, clever, I get it, killing, stealing and destroying, jealousy, envy , strife, even lying, confusion and every evil work, now who sounds like mom?” “Do we wait, or dad do we go?” “Better yet Charlie where do we do go, or do we wait for this anti-Christ to come and pound us all into dust.” “Ok dad you said we have three and a half years, that’s son three and a half years from the next world summit and seven year peace agreement, ah, so where do we go?” “There’s no where to run from God’s wrath or the anti-Christ, I mean your mother was always encouraged for years to get to higher ground, to high hills and mountains.” “I guess you can sons say sh was being warn to get from places simply littered over with foolish mankind still trying to go about supposedly everyday lives, the very things God’s wrath is to target.”
“I will tell you two about a dream she told me about, in the dream as many times before an exodus was going on, and we had been caught right in the middle of it.”
“She said in the dream, 11,16/2001, we were trying to escape with the others only there were huge, gigantic trees all around for as far as the eye could and couldn’t see, that as we drove, we could hear the tires scrubbing against these huge failed truly hindering our escape, she said we pressed on barely and with the taxing realization we’d simply waited too long.” “Now in the last dream I’m to have 01/02/2009, I was on my way home from work, I couldn’t wait as usual to get home, nothing mattered but getting home when I, with a few of my co-workers stopped at the nearest store for supplies and refueling.” “Only before I could again get into my car and again make for home, I was brought to a damaged not parachute but parasail, and before I knew it I’d with this damaged parasail taken flight.” “I was floating, not too high or not too low when this flight brought me to stand upon a mountain top, I haven’t told you guys how terrified I was, that I would hurt myself or even be killed.” “Anyway the mountain top it rested upon was one overlooking New York, how I was positioned in a way to look or see at night the entire state of New York, her being lit up in all her glory and then I awaken in bed.” “My god dad what did it mean?” “I hardly know, your mother believed in dreams more so than me, she always told me, the Spirits that be always referred to America, as New York, maybe I was seeing her, in all her glory for the last time.” “Mom said while I was preoccupied with a worthless, mundane reality, even false security they, the holy spirits that be was reminding me, it was all about to come to an end.” “Dad, didn’t the prophet Jeremiah watch, or witness Jerusalem complete destruction from a mountain top?”
“Jerusalem son, another city, loved and treasured by the world, so much so, Israel
the country, became recognized more so by Jerusalem the city, hum, something to think about.” “ Well I’m going to lay down, you boys know where your momma work is, just put everything back in it’s place.”
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you... Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) 1822 Keltner Cove #5, Memphis TN. 38114... pbradfordm@aol.com
Prophecy Link
Pristine Landscapes
Seen to be seeing pristine landscapes, states like Colorado, of infidelity in Hudson, in family members, and monster storms double their destruction powers, again, again and again, a deadly, demonstrative fall of peace and safety, of normal, everyday life, on the map 05/13/2008
For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen
The Rapture, End-Times in the Links Prophecy
-200,660. Seen to be seeing, visited upon by the archangel Gabriel, he seen to be declaring “The fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, as so a voice declaring, she‘s going, or coming with the seventh angel, the fulfillment, as so the sounding of the seventh angel on the map 05/15/2004 see Dan. 8:15-27, St. Luke 1:5-20, 26-38, Rev. 10: 7-11, 11:15-19) my 200,660 prophecy link
-300,086. Seen to have the hem of Jesus garment, his sandal feet only a nose length from my face just prior to my recognition that I’m standing with him on the mount of Olivet. Evenly just prior to my realization the air, or should I say the oxygen is cool, clear and pure up there, Jesus standing on mount Olivet on the map 04/21/2004 (Zech. 14:1-4).
Prophetically On The Map
Seen to be seeing how it is Jesus second coming is no longer pending but is he with the Church bride. As so with visible sandal feet and robe walking on the earth in the midst of visiting the people, Jesus as promised again on the earth, on the map 08/19/2007, my unnumbered as yet prophecy link (Zech. 13:4-6, Matt. 24:29-31, Rev. 19:11-21)
Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left, two shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. Watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord cometh…JCON, see Matt. 24, I Cor. 15:51-58, I Thess.
Bob Carlisle: In The Sky
Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…
A Ministry Above
Monday, October 5, 2009
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