Hear Thee A Parable 12/28/2009
Here Thee A Shepherd Song -Seen to hearing a horn blaring aloud, so loud that it awaken me right from sleep, so loud I thought surely I would have some hearing lost in my left ear, horns, bells and sirens of alert and pending danger on the map 01/04/2010
“Come Out Of Her My People“…God The Father
All around us, everyday and every hour there are hundred of thousands even millions who are convinced church attendance alone save them, how it justifies there sins. I have a neighbor next door, she’s buying a lovely home, she goes to church every Sunday thus while she’s at church her live-in boy friend take the pleasure of sleeping in. They are all around us, even in our homes, those type of people, those who believe any and every manner of sin can be pretty much overlooked by God as long as they’re faithful Churchians. Unthinkable trespasses and abominations no longer creeping into the church unaware but welcomed as moneyed leaders aren’t to offend sin but rather for their own advantage defend it.
It’s like Israel belief that her blood lineage saves her, like the religious leaders who were convinced their knowledge of the law of Moses, of circumcision justified their sins. It’s like new converts, works and water baptism, presently we have people from every walk of life who believe as long a they’re dedicated to lives, lands and churches. As so to churches, congregations and preachers, preaching, as so tithes, offerings and choirs that again they’re herein justified, truly if mankind salvation could’ve come by works and religion alone, and not that the body of sin be destroyed, Jesus hath not come.
Although Paul hath declared “knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we shall not serve sin, see Ephs. 6. Clearly one would then assumed, how without this manner of divine crucifixion, death, dying, spiritual restoration, the body of flesh, of sin remain. I don’t know about you, other Christ like leaders, but I’m so tired of people believing this lie, I once believed it as so possibly before you got saved and began to grow not in the doctrines, regulations and commandments of men which perisheth. Though before you believed in Jesus Christ the living manna, Cross and thus Savior of the world you once believe it too.
There was a time we could and would live for the weekend, all its parties, revelry and fornication, this was all fine as long as we were in church Sunday morning. As long as we made an all out effort to drag our selves from bed, mustard up what little change we had and got ourselves to the church house. You see the revelation knowledge that lead me to Jesus Christ, I didn’t find it in the church, I found it in a night club, or rather it found me. The literally undeniable, indescribable calling they would one day place upon my life I would have to both leave church to receive it. As so would I have to literally forsake these manners of as semblances so the third person of the Godhead could maintain this particular God granted ordination.
How glorious and fortunate they didn’t for all time allow me to believe or to continue along this overpowering lie which at every second for all time claims the souls of men. Although honestly what made me the exception? The nightclub that night was filled with lost, confused even rebellious people, again why me?” Ideally what had they or what would they do with me, by me, from me that they would one day call me Apostle? Hence Jesus hath declared “many are called but few are chosen.” Herein this I know for a certainty, that while supreme leaders of religious ordinances celebrate the monumental, most extravagant and celebritious houses of supposedly praise ever.
These gargantuan worship places with hundreds of thousands of participates, the Supreme Father and Mediator of mankind’s single manner of redemption, Jesus Christ instead cry, “his people are dying.” “That they’re being stripped of everything his Christ hath brought them, how behold, he’s to strip their leaders and leave them as in day they were born.” In my walk with the Supreme Holy Spirit I’ve seen two primary churches, in the early nineties I saw a church so sin ridden it was being consumed by fire, the smoke thereof was rising up to God crying and mourning, see I Cor. 3:11-16, Rev. 8:3-5, 14:11,12
“It’s the church, a voice declared, it has been cast down and literally destroyed, but the foundation haven’t been destroyed, it can be rebuild, it can be rebuild, back upon the same foundation laid by Jesus the Christ and his Holy Apostles.” Secondarily there was a church shown me in the early eighties, a church so sanctified and Holy Spirit the Supreme Father hadn’t shown himself this proud since the Christ himself. Ideally since that time recorded in the gospel when referring to his death on the cross He looked up toward the heavens and replied “father glorify Thy Son,” and this Heavenly Host responded I have glorified him and will glorify him. Jesus was dying, he was asking God the father to take pleasure in his death, this is why he made it clear anyone who were to come after him.
How they would as well one day have to deny themselves, pick up their cross (death, dying, new creation) and the follow him. This is how far off the beaten path the churches are today, instead of forsaking the world for Christ sake, they pleasure and treasure it right into the assembly, pulpit and alters supposedly of God. “Be careful father, I proclaimed to this satisfied, blusterous father, “lest they take your heart.” It’s true the church must burn more than it's to display itself a sanctified, consecrated source of Jesus Christ cross, this isn’t at all a bad thing. The church of Holy Spirit and Divine Glory can’t exist without first fulfilling the burning church.
It’s the one, single way to comprehend Jesus Christ foundational Church apart from those extravagant houses build and ordered through man by Satan’s seat. In Jesus Christ church there will much dying, much gleaning, burning, cracking, there’ll be much molding. Jesus Christ like most leaders today never taught a gain is godliness message, but rather pain is godliness as we’re ever cast as clay in the potter’s carving, tool like hands. Or as uncured precious stones and gold pitched into fierce flames and seething furnaces, again in Christ’s church which is righteousness bound there’s a whole lot of shaking, cracking, breaking and molding, there’s a whole lot of dying all to live, to Rule as and with it’s Christ, forevermore.
“Make me to hear joy and gladness, that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.” Psalm 51:8
I remember this dream so long ago, in the dream I, me, my flesh, bones and I, I was being shaped and made in all likeness to a thoroughbred (pure, high born) horse, it was this vivid. How in the dream I experienced every bit of this unthinkable undertaking, I could both feel and hear my bones cracking. I suffered the stretching and flexing of my flesh, I understood he was either to make me or break me, or both. Now imagine God taking you, a human being of frailty, flesh and truly how fragile to break you, your flesh, your bones, your marrow and all, even your stony heart. Justly, painfully and agonizingly he’s to tear, break, stretch, pull apart, in, out whereas you’re to endure every ounce of this unthinkable, beyond painful trial all that he’s to again shape you into something worthy of the Lamb Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father and Heavenly host who hath Him. Herein people is the Righteousness Of God by Christ’s bloody Cross. How upon this church, this gospel message, He, Christ would build his church and even the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
Like in Jesus day when he overthrew the moneychangers table the church supposedly of God was everything but the righteousness of God. It was so terrible, it’s teaching, doctrine and religious order was all defined more as a ministration of death, even a letter that killed more than it gave life, immortal life. Like at present it’d become more of a detriment, a form of enslavement even a stumbling block preventing the people of true holiness. How heart breaking this has to be for the entire Heavenly Host, there’s no wonder He’s cries how tremendously they’re being stripped, how they die not for Christ‘s sake, whose dead live again eternally so, but for the world, whereas the soul that sins dies relentlessly by a hellish horror.
Because of these truths I believe the most alarming forewarning of all, that single one coming from Jesus Christ. Would be this Christ Lord crying aloud, sparing not, how not everyone who call him Lord, Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Now imagine he’s to instead say, not everyone who enter into churches and congregations shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven. But he Jesus continues, who does the will of my Father in heaven, for many shall come to me in those days saying, Lord Lord have I not prophesied in thy name. And in thy cast out devils and in thy name done wonderful works and Jesus say he will profess he never knew them because they worked, performed, because their sins remain.
I beseech thee therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and accepted unto God which is thy reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but rather be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Rom. 12, 1, 2
Unless you’ve died to self and self seeking, that in doing so you’ve realized your condemned state and called on God, as so Jesus to come and reign as Lord. We’re again talking about your mouth, your heart, your knees, their sincere, faithful confessions of sins and belief in Jesus as the Savior, that you grow into HIM. Don’t you understand, your sins remain, regardless of your faithfulness to churches, congregations and preachers preaching. In spite of your devotion to tithes, offerings, choirs and marriages, there is only one name, one work of grace given under heaven. There’s one way, Christ and redemption, it is Jesus who cries repeatedly “Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man will open the door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me.
The door of your heart, the door of your vain works, the door of your religious ordinations, of your many charities and collegiate degrees. The door of your eternal demise, or eternal life, that except you remember from when thou art fallen (see Genesis, the first Adam), return and repent you, yes you, you perish. This divine truth despite God’s long suffering toward you, despite he commending his love toward you. Hence that even while you sin, Christ died for you, even while Jesus Christ died for you, the cross of Jesus empowers the repentant unto the righteousness of God. Repent or perish.
An Aol Poster Ask: Are You Saying True Christians Don’t Sin? 12/31/2009
Yes, and I'm saying it just as the word of God says it, I John 3rd chapter, 1-10, and ye know that he was manifest to take away our sins, WHOSOEVER ABIDETH IN HIM SINNETH NOT, whosoever sin hath not seen him, neither known him...5,6... Jesus Christ came as an example not only of a sinless redeemer to take on our sins, that when he die so would sin for every future believer die.
Herein was it as well that we who are in him, in him heart, mind, body and soul could live a sinless, very abundant, (spiritually rich) life. This is why we have the Cross of Jesus Christ, it's empowering and anointing ability to transform the believer from a body of death. From a birth and life source of condemnation simply by using the living Cross, Word and Holy Spirit to enter into repentant man thus making his body of death into a temple of God.
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead (crucified) is freed from sin. Rom. 6:6,7
If it wasn't possible that we're to live sinless lives, God forbid not one human being could benefit from Christ's Cross and Jesus suffered and died in vain. It's awe-inspiring ability to take us over, to literally possess the repentant, the believer with the righteous-ness of God and herein shape and mold them into sinless followers. If you note the epistles of the Apostles of Christ, the very revelations of the Cross of Christ, how it's there they continually teach us how we're to receive of the divine, beyond description glories of God's righteousness.
How we’re to be crucified with Christ, how we’re to then put on Christ, that we’re to then have the mind and grace of Christ. Jesus Christ couldn’t have said it more plain when he declared if any man come after me, let him first, what? “Deny Himself,” plainly lay aside all self awareness and self seeking, which in all essence is death. That‘s no longer living for yourself, but that all come to the knowledge of the truth, Jesus is Christ. How we’re to even set our thoughts (our peace, salvation and hopes) above where Christ sitteth on the throne. Though only as we by Christ’s Cross mortify the deeds of flesh.
I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me, and gave himself for me. I Cor. 5:21
That’s denounce a deadly, damning carnality by as Christ, by Christ dying to sin (repentance) and walking in, living by and abiding by God's Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came for this purpose, to replace spiritual (religious) dominance over God's people, these corrupt churches, congregations and preachers preaching ever leading them astray. He would do this by making each believer, each humble servant into Jesus, His spirit, His heart, His faith and faithfulness, this anointed temple of God, Heb. 8:10-13.
Truly do you think that once King David prayed the prayer of repentance recorded in Psalm 51, he turn to a life of sin ever again? No, because after he prayed this prayer of phenomenal sincerity sinned died, and the righteousness of God revived, and for an eternity what took only seconds, King David became a new creature, old things, continuing flesh, blood and heart failures passed away as he became new.
Truly you need to be asking how, what make his prayer, (Psalm 51), this prayer the acceptation? First of all he went to the right person, God, no one could help him at this point of his birth, in his unrighteous, failed state but God. Second he went in the right attitude, the right grief-stricken, humble spirit knowing he’d sinned, knowing these abominations weren’t only personal but a lineage of sin.
This would be ancestry of sin dating back not only to his mother’s womb, but her mother’s womb, Adam and Eve. To God crying aloud, sparing not, I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed, he shall bruise your head, but you shall bruise his heel, (but she shall be saved (redeemed) in child-bearing). Thirdly he knew God was a forgiver of sin, that these sins of his though committed against man were they in all actually committed against God, prick Him, His creation and His Son, Jesus Cross bleed.
Fourth and most importance once King David repented, once he poured out of a sincere, contrite heart both his guilt and regret. Evidently the astonishing revelation here is King David knew he could not, or would not be able to continue in this righteous state alone. Thus he began asking God for help, for the anointing and astonishing intervention of the Holy Spirit, how he’s to befriend him, teach and guide him, how he’s to empower him, lest he dashed his foot (fall) all over again.
The emphasis here dear ones is the pouring out of both his guilt and regret, unless your sins both personal and heredity make you feel guilty and regretful unto an unspeakable manner of repentance. A heart wrenching remorse that bring you crying and mourning to God for forgiveness, for reconciliation and revival then no doubt your sins yet remain. You see God by Christ’s cross is mankind’s only redemption from Sin, why?” Because the soul that sin, that both live by and die in sin damn’s itself to a second death without end.
I remember when I crawled to my closet that day over twenty years ago, it would be one of three such moments, a servant of Jesus’ gospel who’d through pure hatred from me. Apart from he’d been witnessing to me for months when he said one thing in particular to me, when he quoted one verse of scripture to me. A morsel of God’s living word I’ve never, ever forgotten, it’s true there was one who’d planted, and there was one who’d watered but suddenly the Holy Spirit was giving me revelation knowledge.
Honestly the scripture changing my mind, heart and destiny forever was psalm 66:18, which read as follows, “if you regard iniquity in your heart, the lord will not hear you.” You can say the most urgent part of this word I heard was, the lord will not hear you. Sincerely once I heard and completely understood this, I was literally flabbergasted. I, you, none of us who’d not rightly repented had a divine protector, a heavenly guide or celestial future, we were in all essence damned.
You see this is what Jesus meant when he declared in his day how light (revelation knowledge, release and salvation) had all come. Although instead of man welcoming in this astonishing break through of ancient sins and abomination, of detrimental misery, carnage and death he took instead his pleasure in sin. If there was a way that man is to continue in his sin, in his abominable ways, in his evil, riotous ways and yet get to God, get to heaven then salvation would of course be by Satan’s Seat. Truly he that hath the son, Jesus Christ, hath life, he that hath not the son (Jesus Christ) hath not life.
Unmistakably sin could not, sin would not, sin is totally incapable of inheriting God’s kingdom thus God made his only begotten Son to be sin, who knew no sin. That’s made and shaped him into our trespasses and iniquities, even our peace that once He died as sin, we. Those fallen from creation, fallen from the womb, mankind could be made the righteousness, kingdom and life eternal with God through him. This astounding surrender whereby this Christ Lord cry I’m the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except by me (Jesus Christ of Nazareth). Hence sinlessness unto eternity with God is by the second Adam’s unthinkable sacrifice mankind’s new lineage, that we’re adopted into and look to reign with Christ, as Christ’s, glory to the Lamb, and the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Host who hath Him.
Now like the woman caught in adultery was forgiven of Jesus Christ, "nor do I condemn thee, go and sin no more, ---Go And Sin No More...If this wasn't possible Jesus wouldn't have commissioned it dooming Mary and all those touched by this lesson unto repentance to failure. Although mankind is sin by nature, said nature is controlled by a despitefully wicked heart, only by Christ's bloody cross rid him of this heart, granting unto him a pure heart of God, and sin shall no longer hath rule over him. I say continually Repent or Perish…
The Holy Spirit Ask: Why do Christians hate Born-again Saints so? 01/03/2010
In conclusion as I was standing in the kitchen recently the Holy Spirit suddenly asked me, why is it Christians hate the Born-again Saints so?” Just as you, imagined my shock for instantly like you I remember thinking., saying or even inquiring but aren’t they the same? No, no they’re not the same, Christianity by large has become just another religion, just another way to forsake true righteousness under the iconic banner of the command-ments, traditions and regulations of condemned men. Which is why this particular article describing the difference between the Children of Satan and the Children of God exist.
How one lives according to sin and is literally incorrigible therein and the other thriving by Christ Jesus’ Cross, despise sin unto eternal life. Surpringly the difference between the two can be seen when we’re to consider Cain’s hatred of Able, as so Ishmael revulsion of Isaac. Justly there’s the ancient religious leaders and their baneful treatment of Jesus the Christ, his disciples/Apostles after Him. Right unto today, Satan’s seat verses the Church bride. One is holiness unto the Lord God Father, Creator and the other a servant of sin who believe not the love of truth (Jesus Christ and Him Crucified). One mediator is one, God, whose foundation is God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God the Living Word and Heavenly Host. While the other is overseen by Satan’s seat, Demonic rule, rebellious mankind unto fantastic forms of harlotry, manslaughter and abominations throughout the earth. Truly my brethren in Christ, in his testimonies and Trials even of blood stand (revive, return) lest you fall (perish from the way, Cross).
One must then understand why it is wars, mighty wars are seen in the heavens, on the earth and even beneath it, just an epidemic of confrontations (Gog and Magog). Deadly feuds,‘ turf and blood wars all in vain as the Christ of God hath won the victory and shall reign forever and ever more. Then truly one must ask with the Supreme Host of heaven, why do the heathen rage and the people imagine such a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves, and rulers take counsel together, against the lord and against his anointed.
“Yet Have I set my King upon my Holy Hill Zion. I Will Declare the Decree; the Lord hath said unto me, thou art my Son, this Day Have I begotten thee.” As we all ready toward this Final Battle, See Psalm 2nd Chapter
That you be aware, that you be born again, that you know an Apostle of Jesus Christ is among you. As to pluck Ambers from the burning, take heed that no man deceive you.. Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, (RAM).
That you give as you ought, if you want to give to the ministry, you can now do it through pay pal, if you don’t have or don’t want a pay pal account just inform me of the amount by email at pbradfordm@aol.com I'll then email you a donation/payment request, Thanks Sincerely, Apb
Prophecy Link
-Seen to be hearing a horn blaring aloud, so loud that it awaken me right from sleep, so loud I thought surely I would have some hearing lost in my left ear, horns, bells and sirens of alert and pending danger on the map 01/04/2010
-Seen to be seeing flooding, even explosive rain on the map, seen to be climbing up to and staying on rooftops, seen to be abandoning our children to the dangers of a demanding social and governmental status quo, beware. 10/29/2009
-Seen to be seeing a controversial note, letter, a scandal of sorts targeting the Whitehouse which is to then cause nation wide panic, chaos and repeated forms of vicious attacks. All of the above when a white (pure, redeemed) woman’s cry toward heaven cause the heavens to cry out in it’s own voice, in her own hearing, “A Day Before Christmas.” There’s something about the day before Christmas, about December 24th, about Christmas eve, a soon to come form of divine intervention gloriously on the map 12/10/2008
For Salvation Pray: I'm sorry Lord God, forgive me for my sins, wash me, cleanse me and then, by Jesus Christ receive me into thy glory again...Amen
Listening To Dallas Holm: Come On To Jesus
Hurry Lord Christ and get us the victory…
A Ministry Above
Monday, January 4, 2010
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